The Institute of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis Salzburg has long-standing experience in research, teaching, counseling, and therapy based on Viktor Frankl's logotherapy and existential analysis. Furthermore, the Institute is open to all persons and therapeutic approaches, that are inspired by and compatible with Dr. Frankl’s value- and meaning-centered concepts.
The Salzburg Center for Meaning was founded as a coherent extension of the activities of the Institute of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. Its goal is to provide a platform for our striving for meaning and values, that presents various possibilities for the work on and with the person in continuing education and the personal formation of the individual. At the Salzburg Center for Meaning, we want to invite all, who are looking for the meaning and values of their lives, to an exchange, to learn, and to a fruitful encounter.
Christoph Schlick
Founder and Director of the Institute