About us

The Institute of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis Salzburg has long-standing experience in research, teaching, counseling, and therapy based on Viktor Frankl's logotherapy and existential analysis. Furthermore, the Institute is open to all persons!

In short

About us

The Institute of Logotherapy and...

Logotherapy according to Viktor Frankl

Logotherapy and Existential Analysis is a meaning-oriented, internationally recognized and empirically tested form of psychotherapy developed by the Viennese medical doctor and philosopher Viktor E. Frankl. "To give meaning to life."



Logotherapy according to Viktor Frankl

Counseling - Coaching - Therapy


Fast and straightforward help: existential analysis is a tool to discover possibilities, value-contents, and meaning of one's life. Logotherapy is a supportive method to realize meaning that we have discovered, in private as well as in public life. We are there to help you with it!


Counseling - Coaching - Therapy

Fast and straightforward help:...

Training - Continuing Education

Our program includes courses about the foundations and/or further aspects of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. Discover a course suited to your personal interests in our program!

Training & Continuing Education

Training - Continuing Education

Our program includes courses about the...

20 Jahre Institut für Logotherapie & Existenzanalyse Salzburg

Stimmen aus dem Institut - Absolvent*innen, Referenten*innen und Teammitglieder über Christoph Schlick, die Ausbildung und das Institut für Logotherapie & Existenzanalyse Salzburg. Und was dazu beigetragen hat, dass die Sinnfrage heute aktueller ist als je zuvor.

Zu den Videos

20 Jahre Institut für Logotherapie & Existenzanalyse Salzburg

Stimmen aus dem Institut -...


 Zu LOGOSFoundation



« February 2025 »
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Upcoming courses

Logotherapeutische Lese- und Diskussionsgruppe

19.02.2025, 16:30
Location: SinnZENTRUM - Salzburg

Philosophische Gesprächsrunde

20.02.2025, 18:00
Location: SinnZENTRUM - Salzburg


21.02.2025, 16:00
Location: SinnZENTRUM - Salzburg

Kurz-Supervision Online

26.02.2025, 14:00
Location: SinnZENTRUM - Salzburg

Kurz-Supervision Online

13.03.2025, 15:00
Location: SinnZENTRUM - Salzburg